Salutations continued...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Let this become an addendum to Kitti’s brilliant intro post.

I think it would be entirely too boring if I began to rant about everything I think/hope/wonder that this blog could be (seeing as I am not nearly as witty as my co-writers) but it seems that I should give at least a brief blurb on why I’m here.

First and foremost—My reason for being here is entirely selfish (note the entirely part, but please do not judge, you might get something out of it if you keep reading).

There, I said it. Throw tomatoes if you want, but please make them ripe ones. I am selfish not only because part of my being here is to tap into the wisdom, wit, and skill of my co-writers, but also because I simply enjoy exploring new ideas. I love to discuss, and take an idea, twist it up and look at it from a different angle; to get different opinions—and to thus become a more informed person, and also to be able to form my own opinions on things. To add to what Kitti said: I not only think critical thinking is important (add: key, add: necessary) but I also think that most people today lack even the very basic critical thinking skills (partially due to people not reading enough…but that’s a whole other issue). This blog is a way of reasoning with that, with other things that I find interesting, and in general just to have a good time.

I love to write. Period.

I write anything and everything that I fancy, although I am particularly interested in fantasy and poetry. Like Kitti I need lots of practice (far more than she does—she’s so high above, I’m like a tether on a Goodyear blimp). This is a place to practice, to wrestle around on the floor with, to chew on and spit back out every little thing that I find relatively important, or amusing. Hopefully somebody out in cyberspace will hop along for the ride and get something out of it.


This is Kitti, just letting you know that L paints me in entirely too good a light. I won't stop him because I adore flattery, but I feel it's only fair to add a disclaimer: I am not nearly as cool as he makes me out to be, really I am just a slightly-socially-awkward geek, and his writing is always just as good as and often far, far better than mine. He is wonderful and I love him to tiny pieces -- enough, even, to disregard the fact that he just compared me to a blimp. XD (I am not actually offended, though I am super jealous he actually managed to make that comparison somewhat flattering. It's not at all fair really, I should be wanting to slap him for it but he meant it in such a nice way that I can't.)